Unconference in Standard Chartered – Global Business Services



08 March, 2019


Standard Chartered Bank invited me for a very unique speaking opportunity at their campus. Since today is Women’s Day, they had organized for a special event. Am hosting an unconference that follows the spectrograph model. It is a fun mix of a debate and panel discussion. The topic is on Gender Stereotyping. With technology playing a crucial role in many of the jobs today, the distinction of what a man or woman can do is fast disappearing. Or at least that’s what one side will debate. The other will debate that the stereotyping exists and it is a good thing. And am to play the lead moderator shepherding the discussion. There will be 20 participants, with 10 on each side. Each side will staunchly root for their stand on the topic (For or Against). I’ve set up points for Clarity, Brevity and Humour. It’ll be loads of fun.

P.S: I’m passionate about Unconferences and have conducted hundreds of them around the World. Even authored a book, one of the very few in the World on this topic.

What an action packed, high-decibel debate this turned out to be at the HQ of Standard Chartered. There was sparks flying at the Unconference with the theme, ‘Do Jobs have Genders?’ . 10 people on each side. This is officially the largest ever panel discussion I got to host in my entire Professional Speaking career!! @ Standard Chartered – Global Business Services


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